15 lucrative private label products to sell

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As ecommerce continues to grow, many entrepreneurs are turning to private labeling as a lucrative business model.

In this article, we’ll dive into the world of private-label products and provide you with actionable steps and best practices for building a successful private-label business.

We’ll discuss the differences between white-label and private-label products, walk you through the steps for creating a private-label brand and share some popular private-label product ideas to inspire you.

By the end of this article, you’ll have a better understanding of what private labeling entails and how you can leverage this business model to create your own successful ecommerce store.

We’ll also share 15 lucrative private-label product ideas to help you get started on your journey to success.

Let’s dive in!

What are private-label products?

Private label products are items manufactured by one company and sold under another company’s brand.

This business model allows you to create your own brand without investing heavily in product development, giving you more control over pricing, marketing and product customization.

Private labeling has gained popularity in the ecommerce world, as it provides a way for entrepreneurs to quickly establish their own brands and tap into the ever-growing market of online shoppers.

What’s the difference between white-Label and private-label products?

While white-label and private-label products may seem similar, there’s a key distinction that sets them apart.

Let’s take a closer look at the differences between the two and how they can impact your ecommerce business.

White-label products

White-label products are generic items produced by multiple suppliers. These products are typically ready-made, allowing you to rebrand them with your own logo or packaging.

The advantage of white-label products is that they are generally more accessible and require less upfront investment.

However, the downside is that the same product is available to multiple retailers, making it more difficult to differentiate your brand from competitors.

Shopify provides a comprehensive guide on starting a white-label business.

Private-label products

Private-label products, on the other hand, are exclusively supplied by a single manufacturer. This exclusivity gives private-label brands an edge in terms of product differentiation and control over production.

When you work with a manufacturer to create a private-label product, you have the opportunity to customize the product’s design, features and packaging to align with your brand identity.

This creates a unique product offering that stands out from competitors.

For example, a private-label skincare brand may collaborate with a manufacturer to create a custom-formulated face cream with specific ingredients tailored to its target audience.

In contrast, a white-label skincare brand would choose from a range of pre-made face creams supplied by multiple manufacturers, with little opportunity for customization.

Furthermore, private-label products allow for greater control over production quality and consistency.

By working with a single manufacturer, you can establish a strong relationship and closely monitor the production process to ensure your products meet your desired standards.

This level of control is not possible with white-label products, as multiple suppliers are producing the same item, potentially leading to variations in quality.

For more examples, check out this list of successful private-label brands.

What are the benefits of selling private label products over other ecommerce business models?

Private label products offer a unique opportunity for entrepreneurs looking to enter the ecommerce market.

Here are some of the key benefits of selling private label products over other ecommerce business models:

  • Control over production and quality: With private labeling, you have greater control over the manufacturing process and the quality of your products. This means you can ensure that your products meet your specific standards and cater to your target audience’s preferences.
  • Higher profit margins: Selling private label products typically results in higher profit margins than reselling products from other brands. This is because you can source products directly from manufacturers at a lower cost and set your own prices, allowing you to capture more of the retail value.
  • Customization and brand differentiation: Private labeling allows you to create unique products that stand out from competitors in the market. You can customize product designs, packaging and labeling to create a cohesive brand identity that appeals to your target customers.
  • Enhanced brand loyalty: By offering exclusive, high-quality products under your own brand, you can foster greater brand loyalty among your customers. This can lead to repeat purchases and a strong customer base that is more resistant to competition.
  • Flexibility in marketing and pricing: With private-label products, you have more control over your marketing and pricing strategies. You can experiment with different marketing channels, promotions and pricing structures to find the best approach for your specific audience and products.
  • Lower barriers to entry: Starting a private label business often requires less upfront investment compared to other ecommerce models, as you don’t need to purchase large quantities of inventory from established brands. You can start with a small product range and scale up as your business grows.
  • By choosing to sell private label products, you can enjoy greater control over your brand and product quality, higher profit margins and increased flexibility in marketing and pricing strategies.

    This makes private labeling an attractive option for entrepreneurs looking to build a successful ecommerce business.

    Steps to create a successful private label product

    Now that you understand the basics of private labeling, let’s discuss the steps to create your own private label brand:

    1. Find a product you want to sell

    The first step in starting a private label business is choosing a product that you’re passionate about and confident in selling.

    Consider your interests, hobbies and market trends when selecting a product, as this will help you stay motivated and engaged in your business.

    Keep in mind that the best private-label products are usually simple in design and development, which makes them easier to manufacture and market.

    We’ll talk more about some evergreen private-label goods in the following sections.

    2. Research and validate your niche

    Warren Buffet once said, “It doesn’t matter how hard you row. It matters which boat you get in.”

    He meant it in the context of investing, but the principle applies when validating a particular product or target market.

    Before jumping into the world of private labeling, it’s crucial to research your competition and validate your niche.

    Here are some ways you can do a little legwork up front to make sure your private labels actually sell:

  • Keyword research: Use keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, or SEMrush to find high-volume search terms related to your niche. This will give you insights into the products and categories that people are actively searching for online.
  • Competitor analysis: Analyze your competitors’ product offerings, pricing and marketing strategies to understand the market landscape. Look for gaps in their product lines or areas where you can differentiate your brand. Tools like SimilarWeb can help you find and analyze competitors.
  • Marketplace research: Browse popular ecommerce marketplaces like Amazon, eBay and Etsy to identify trending products and bestsellers in your niche. Pay attention to customer reviews and ratings to understand what customers like and dislike about these products.
  • Social media and forums: Monitor social media platforms, groups and forums related to your niche to discover trending topics and products. Join every Facebook group on private labeling that you possibly can. Observe discussions and questions to identify potential product ideas and pain points that your private-label products can address.
  • Product review websites: Visit product review websites like CNET, Wirecutter and BestProducts to find top-rated products and learn about their features, benefits and drawbacks.
  • Trade shows and industry events: Attend trade shows and industry events to discover new products, innovations and trends in your niche. Networking with suppliers and other industry professionals can also provide valuable insights into potential private-label product ideas.
  • Google Trends: Use Google Trends to analyze search trends and seasonal fluctuations for specific products or categories. This can help you identify potential private-label products with consistent demand or growing popularity.
  • Online surveys and polls: Conduct online surveys or polls to gather insights from your target audience about their preferences, needs and pain points. This can help you identify potential private-label product ideas that cater to their requirements.
  • By using a combination of these methods, you can gather valuable insights and identify promising private-label product ideas that have the potential to succeed in the market.

    3. Find a manufacturer

    Once you’ve identified the product you want to sell, the next step is to find a reliable manufacturer to produce your private-label items.

    You can search for manufacturers on platforms like Alibaba or Thomasnet, or opt for local manufacturers if you prefer to work with a company closer to home.

    Remember to vet potential manufacturers thoroughly by reviewing their portfolios, testimonials and certifications to ensure they can deliver high-quality products.

    It’s also worth mentioning that many private-label manufacturers will require an upfront purchase amount.

    This is often called MOQ (minimum order quantity), so it’s important to factor that into your decision.

    You can also take a more boots-on-the-ground approach by Googling “[your product] wholesale manufacturers.”

    4. Order samples

    Before committing to a large order, it’s important to request samples from your chosen manufacturer to evaluate the quality of their work.

    This will give you the opportunity to test the product, make any necessary adjustments and ensure that it meets your expectations before moving forward.

    5. Determine your brand style

    Your brand style is the visual and emotional representation of your private label business, so it’s crucial to create a consistent and appealing identity that resonates with your target audience.

    Consider elements like your logo, color palette, typography and packaging design, as these will play a significant role in shaping the perception of your brand.

    6. Set up an online store

    With your brand style in place, it’s time to set up your online store.

    There are various ecommerce platforms like Shopify or WooCommerce that make it easy to create a professional and user-friendly website.

    When setting up your store, ensure that it’s easy to navigate, visually appealing and optimized for conversions.

    Consider selling on third-party platforms like Amazon

    In addition to your own online store, consider selling your private-label products on third-party platforms like Amazon.

    This can help you tap into a larger customer base and increase your brand visibility.

    Just be aware of the fees and competition associated with selling on these platforms.

    7. Create product listings

    Creating compelling product listings is crucial for attracting potential customers and driving sales.

    Focus on writing clear and concise product descriptions that highlight the features and benefits of your items.

    Additionally, invest in high-quality product photography to showcase your private label products in the best light.

    8. Launch and market your store

    With your online store set up and your product listings in place, it’s time to launch your private label brand and start marketing your products.

    Develop a comprehensive marketing strategy that includes social media, content marketing, email marketing and paid advertising to reach your target audience and generate sales.

    Don’t forget to monitor your marketing efforts and adjust your strategy as needed to optimize results.

    Related post: Ecommerce Marketing Ideas: Boost Your Sales For 2022

    15 of the best private label products to sell

    Here’s a more detailed look at some popular and lucrative private-label product ideas, complete with examples for each category:

    Workout equipment

    With the rise in at-home fitness trends, workout equipment such as resistance bands, yoga mats, foam rollers and dumbbells can be a profitable niche. You can differentiate your brand by offering unique designs, colors and materials.

    Cosmetics and skin care

    Private-label cosmetics and skin care products allow you to create a line tailored to specific skin types, concerns, or target audiences. For example, you could offer vegan, cruelty-free, or organic products to cater to environmentally conscious consumers.


    Sunglasses and prescription glasses are popular private-label items. You can offer unique frame styles, lens technologies, or materials to stand out in the market. Additionally, blue light-blocking glasses have gained popularity due to increased screen time.

    Essential oils

    The demand for essential oils for aromatherapy, skincare and household use is on the rise. You can create custom blends or source high-quality, pure essential oils to cater to this growing market.

    Apparel and accessories

    Clothing and accessories are a vast category for private labeling. You can focus on niche markets like sustainable fashion, activewear, or streetwear, offering unique designs and high-quality materials to set your brand apart.

    Gardening tools and accessories

    Urban gardening and home gardening have gained popularity, opening up opportunities for private-label gardening tools and accessories. You could offer innovative, ergonomic tools, or unique garden decor items to stand out.

    Water bottles

    Reusable water bottles are both eco-friendly and practical. You can differentiate your brand by offering bottles with unique features, such as insulation, built-in filters, or collapsible designs.

    Packaged food

    Private-label packaged food products, such as sauces, spices, or snacks, allow you to cater to specific dietary preferences or trends, like gluten-free, keto, or organic options.


    The health and wellness market is growing and supplements are a popular private-label product category. You could offer unique formulations, such as vegan protein powders or nootropic supplements, to cater to specific customer needs.

    Hair care

    Private-label hair care products, such as shampoos, conditioners, or styling products, can target specific hair types or concerns, like curly hair, color-treated hair, or dandruff.

    Home decor

    Home decor is a broad category that includes items like wall art, lighting and decorative accents. You can focus on specific styles, like minimalist, boho, or industrial, to cater to niche markets.

    Travel accessories

    As travel becomes more accessible, private-label travel accessories like luggage organizers, travel pillows and portable chargers can be a profitable niche. Offer unique features or designs to stand out from the competition.

    Small storage products

    Organization and storage products, such as drawer organizers, closet systems, or makeup organizers, are always in demand. You can offer innovative designs and materials to differentiate your brand.


    The market for stationery items like planners, notebooks and pens is growing. You can cater to specific audiences, like bullet journal enthusiasts or professionals, by offering unique designs, high-quality materials, or eco-friendly options.


    Healthy, convenient snacks are a popular private-label product category. You can focus on specific dietary preferences, like vegan, gluten-free, or low-sugar options, or offer unique flavors and ingredients to attract customers.

    Research your competition and market trends to identify opportunities for your private label brand and work with a reliable manufacturer to ensure the quality of your products.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    In this section, we’ll address some frequently asked questions related to starting and running a private-label business.

    What are some tips for successful private-label product sales?

    Here are a few tips to help you succeed in selling private-label products:

    • Develop an effective marketing strategy to promote your products both online and off.
    • Focus on building relationships with customers to ensure loyalty and repeat purchases.
    • Use customer insights to inform product development in order to stay ahead of the competition.
    • Invest in high-quality packaging and labeling that accurately reflects your brand identity.
    • Monitor sales trends and adjust prices accordingly, based on market conditions.
    • Utilize a comprehensive inventory management system to ensure the availability of the product and avoid out-of-stock situations.

    Depending on where you’re selling your products, there may be different laws and regulations that you need to comply with.

    It’s important to ensure that all of your labeling, packaging and marketing materials adhere to local laws.

    Additionally, you should have liability insurance in case of any product defect or injury caused by your products.

    How much does private labeling cost?

    The cost of private labeling depends on several factors, including the type of product, the manufacturer you choose and the number of products you order.

    Costs can range from a few hundred dollars for small orders to several thousand dollars for larger orders.

    Keep in mind that many manufacturers offer lower prices for bulk orders, so it’s a good idea to negotiate pricing and order larger quantities if possible.

    How can I source private-label products?

    Private-label product sourcing can be difficult, as many manufacturers require large minimum orders and long lead times.

    However, some companies specialize in connecting brands with manufacturers who are able to produce customized private-label products.

    Shopping around for the best deal is a good way to ensure you get the product that fits your business needs.

    How do I find a reliable private-label manufacturer?

    To find reliable private-label manufacturers, start by researching companies that specialize in your product category.

    Look for manufacturers with a proven track record of producing high-quality products and who are willing to work closely with you to develop your private-label brand.

    You can also ask for recommendations from other business owners in your industry or search for manufacturers on websites like Alibaba and Thomasnet.

    Remember, choosing the right manufacturer is crucial to the success of your private label brand, so don’t hesitate to ask for samples and verify the quality of their products before committing to a partnership.

    What qualities should I look for in a private-label manufacturer?

    The best private-label manufacturers stand out from the competition by offering exceptional quality, service and support to their clients. Here are some factors that separate the best private-label manufacturers from the rest:

  • Quality and consistency: Top private-label manufacturers maintain high-quality standards and deliver consistent product quality across all production runs. They have stringent quality control measures in place to ensure that their products meet or exceed your expectations.
  • Experience and expertise: The best private-label manufacturers have extensive experience and expertise in their industry, enabling them to provide valuable insights and guidance on product development, materials and production processes.
  • Customization capabilities: Top manufacturers offer a wide range of customization options, allowing you to create unique, tailored products that align with your brand identity and vision. This includes custom packaging, labeling and formulation options.
  • Strong communication and collaboration: The best private-label manufacturers maintain open lines of communication, providing timely updates and addressing any concerns or questions throughout the production process. They work collaboratively with clients to develop products that meet their specific requirements.
  • Reliable and flexible supply chain: A strong supply chain is essential for a successful private-label business. The best manufacturers have established relationships with reliable suppliers, ensuring consistent availability of raw materials and components. They also offer flexibility in terms of order quantities and production timelines to accommodate your business needs.
  • Competitive pricing: While quality should never be compromised for cost, the best private-label manufacturers offer competitive pricing without sacrificing product quality. They help you find a balance between quality and cost to maximize your profit margins.
  • Compliance with regulations: Top private-label manufacturers are well-versed in industry regulations and standards, ensuring that their products comply with all relevant laws and requirements. This includes adhering to safety standards, labeling regulations and certifications.
  • Post-production support: The best private-label manufacturers offer ongoing support even after your products have been manufactured. This may include assistance with inventory management, order fulfillment and addressing any product-related issues that may arise.
  • By selecting a private-label manufacturer that excels in these areas, you can ensure a smooth and successful partnership that will help your private-label business thrive.

    Final thoughts

    Starting your own private label business can be an exciting and rewarding venture, allowing you to create and sell your own branded products in a competitive ecommerce landscape.

    By following the steps outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to building a successful private-label brand and reaping the benefits of this lucrative business model.

    So why wait? Dive into the world of private labeling and start your journey to creating your very own successful brand today!


    How do I navigate intellectual property concerns when creating private-label products, especially in competitive markets where similar products exist?

    Intellectual property concerns can be significant when creating private-label products, especially in competitive markets. To navigate this, it’s crucial to conduct thorough research to ensure your product design and branding don’t infringe on existing trademarks or patents. Consider consulting with legal professionals specializing in intellectual property to guide you through this process and protect your brand.

    What are the most effective strategies for marketing private-label products to ensure they stand out in a crowded ecommerce marketplace?

    Marketing private-label products effectively involves emphasizing the unique value proposition of your brand and products. Focus on highlighting the customization, quality, and brand story that sets your products apart from competitors. Utilize targeted digital marketing strategies such as social media advertising, influencer partnerships, and content marketing to reach and engage your target audience effectively.

    Are there specific considerations or challenges unique to international sourcing and manufacturing when pursuing a private-label business model?

    International sourcing and manufacturing for private-label products can present challenges such as language barriers, shipping logistics, and varying regulatory requirements. It’s essential to partner with reliable manufacturers who have experience in international trade and comply with quality standards. Additionally, consider working with import/export specialists or leveraging technology platforms that facilitate global supply chain management to navigate these challenges efficiently.