Home›Linnworks State of Commerce Ops Report – Download
Download the State of Commerce Ops Report
Curious what customers want most from online shopping experiences in 2024? Wondering what issues your fellow online sellers are losing sleep over? We asked them.
What’s the #1 complaint for ecommerce buyers? What benefits or offers would make them buy more stuff? What’s the top priority for retailers?
You’ll find the answer to these questions and many more in our State of Commerce Ops report. Get it free by filling out the short form to the right.
Ecommerce retailers surveyed
Consumers questioned
Unbeatable report
A sneak peak of what’s in the report
Did you know that delays (62%), damage to items (44%) or incorrect items being delivered (33%) are consumers’ biggest issues when it comes to shipping?
Or that most firms (74% in the UK and 70% in the US) sell their products on one to three marketplaces such as eBay, Amazon, and Etsy, with about a quarter (UK 24% and US 28%) expanding their reach by selling through four or more marketplaces?
Find dozens of statistics like these (and what to do about them) in this free report. Don’t guess. Know.