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Inventory Linking


The Inventory Linking screen shows all of your stock items against all of your selling channels. It shows if items are linked to a particular channel, unlinked, pending an update or if there are any errors. It is useful for getting a quick overview of which items are listed on each channel and which ones aren’t.

While you can do Inventory Mapping from this screen, it is highly recommended to still use the inventory mapping tool for each individual channel to ensure all of your titles are linked up. The Inventory Linking screen is a good reference point to see what items are (and aren’t) listed where on one screen.

This screen can take a while to load up if you have lots of inventory items and selling channels as the system fetches all of your inventory items and their mapped status on every channel.

Once the screen has loaded you are presented with all of your listings, showing SKU, Item Title, Available quantity and your integrated selling channels. You can filter through your listings using the search bar or by Category using the drop down box.

NOTE – If you have more than 10,000 listings in your inventory only the top 10,000 will show. You will need to search by Title / SKU or filter by category to find other items not listed.

Status Indicators

For every item on each channel there will be one of six status symbols:

notlinked.png Not Linked – This highlights that the item is not linked to a listing/product on that selling channel.
allok.png OK - Means that the item is linked and the stock levels have been submitted correctly.
okPending.png Pending Update – Denotes that a stock level change has been made and will be updated to the channel next time you synchronise the system.
linked.png Linked, No Active - This means that you have an listing / product mapped across to this item but the listing or product is not currently active on that channel.
containsSomeErrors.png Partial Error – This shows that this particular mapping had a small error when updating the stock levels or linking the item.
containsErrors.png Error – This highlights that there has been a serious error updating the stock level for this listing.

Link Information

Clicking on a status symbol brings up a detailed menu of the item for that channel, showing any listings / products that are mapped to that item as well as most recent submitted quantities and times.

Note: You can delete the linking by selecting one of the listings and by clicking on the red X icon on the right side of the row.

If the item is not linked to a listing or product you can add the product mapping from this screen by searching your listings in the search box below and clicking the link button on the right of the relevant item. When this product / listing is downloaded as part of an order from this channel Linnworks will automatically map it to this product.


You can sort through the items and channels by clicking the filter button on the top right of the Inventory Linking screen. From here you have the option to filter by individual store and also by status. For example you can see all items that are not linked to your eBay, Amazon and Magento stores.


Export to CSV

You can export information via csv file on the Inventory Linking screen, allowing you to view and manipulate the data outside of Linnworks for importing into Linnworks at a later point. When you export the data, the information exported will be that of the view you have filtered on the screen. You can however choose to export further stock item details as well as extended properties.